Posted at March 12, 2025 by PCI-DB Team
Install Driver AutomaticallyDevice Name | Humax HD Fox-T2 Digital Recorder Custom Firmware 1.02.20_mod/3.10 |
Category | Firmware |
Manufacturer | Humax |
File Size | 18.2 MB |
Supported OS | OS Independent |
- Add support for large hard disks (> 2^32 sectors [~2TB with 512-byte logical sectors]) - internal and USB-attached;
- Update SATA driver to fix rare problems initialising some disks (e.g. WD20EURX);
- RFC 1323 TCP window scaling is disabled by default (as per the tcpfix package);
- Add support for automatically mounting GPT disks connected via USB;
- Add new Safe Mode which disables almost all custom firmware components - useful for troubleshooting without having to load stock firmware (which isn't possible with large drives). Safe Mode can be enabled via the web interface diagnostics page or telnet menu and disabled in the same way;
- Initial web interface installation (CFW Bootstrap) now tests repository connectivity using TCP instead of ICMP;
- Updated fix-disk:
Add support for GPT partitioned disks;
New -y option to automatically answer yes to most prompts;
For AF drives with a pending/unreadable logical sector, fix-disk now checks and attempts to repair the entire physical sector;
Backup copies of the disk partition table are now kept in flash to aid future recovery;
The 6 most recent fix-disk logs are retained for inspection rather than just the last;
- Updated telnet menu:
All options are now words rather than numbers;
New gptf option to re-format the internal hard disk using the GPT scheme;
New safe option to toggle safe mode;
New upgrade option to upgrade all installed packages;
New webif option to install the initial web interface (if missing);
New fixweb option to re-enable web server and re-install the web interface;
New reboot option to restart the Humax in as clean a way as possible other than to use the remote control;
- Updates to bootstrap web pages (those shown during boot or when in different modes):
HTML format fixes;
Served images are now browser-cacheable;
The initial web page shown before the disk is initialised now says that the system is still initialising and will automatically refresh to the standard web interface once it's running. If no disk is found within 20 seconds then an appropriate page is shown;
- Web pages are shown when in maintenance or safe modes with an option to restart in normal mode;
- Set system clock from front panel Micom early in boot sequence (required for bootstrap caching);
- Provide consistent and deterministic behaviour if multiple boot modes are selected together (Maintenance mode wins followed by Safe, then Reset and finally RMA);
- New boot.log file consolidates messages from boot-time;
- New -d option to diag command to dump the diagnostic code to the terminal instead of running it;
- Include gdisk, sgdisk and sfdisk utilities for partition table management;
- Update smartctl, hdparm and ext2 utilities;
- Include basic vi and more commands in flash;
- Remove some unused/non-working/superseded commands from flash (fsck, syslogd, klogd, inetd).
- If your Humax came with software version 1.03.06 or above
- If your Humax arrived running software version 1.03.06 or later then do not downgrade it to an earlier version. It is safe to install the customised firmware based on 1.03.12.
- Download the firmware and, if it is a zip file, extract it
- Ensure the resulting file is named HD_FOX_T2_Upgrade.hdf
- Place the file in the root of a FAT32 formatted USB Flash / disk Drive *
- Put the unit into standby using the remote, or power button on the front
- Plug the USB Flash device into the USB port
- Turn on the TV and switch to the Humax input
- Press and hold down the power button on the front until you see the software update begin, and the progress is shown on the TV screen
- The initial download is very quick and then programming takes 2-3 minutes
- Pauses in the percentage time bar are quite normal
- A list of possible Error codes that may be displayed are detailed HERE
- When the update is complete End will appear on the front display and Success Downloading! will appear on the TV
- Unplug the USB Flash Device and delete the HD_FOX_T2_Upgrade.hdf file
- Reconnect a USB Flash / Hard Disk drive formatted in EXT2 / EXT3 (See Note above)
- Press the power button on the front to restart with the new firmware
The HD Fox T2 requires a USB Flash / Disk Drive with a minimum of 2GB to be connected when operating with Custom Firmware otherwise it will not be possible to install additional software packages, Flash devices must be formatted in EXT2 using a P.C. program such as GParted “Live” CD, Hard Disk devices can be formatted in EXT3 by the HD FOX T2
Some USB Flash / Disk Drives are reported not to work, The reason for this is not fully understood, However the following Tips are known to help:
- Ensure no other USB devices are connected
- Do not use a USB extender cable
- Removing all other files / full-formatting can prevent file fragmentation
- Try both USB ports (HDR)
- Smaller capacity drives seem to work more successfully than large ones
- Last Resort, Try a different USB Flash Drive
Applying a newer firmware version than the one already installed on your unit can bring various enhancements, include workarounds for diverse problems encountered by the device, and improve or add newly developed features.
On the other hand, downgrading the firmware version can recover the device’s functionality in the event of a software update either turning up faulty or causing the unit’s overall performance to drop. However, bear in mind that applying an older firmware isn’t recommended and might not always be possible.
When it comes to the update steps, due to the large variety of devices and numerous ways for installing a new firmware, it is recommended that you carefully read and understand the upgrade steps, and consider applying a different firmware only when you have familiarized yourself with the update method.
As the installation process is most of the times quite risky, this step should be taken by users that have the ability to successfully complete the update; regular users may initiate it at their own risk. Moreover, it’s best that this task be performed in a steady power environment such as the one ensured by a UPS unit.
Therefore, if you consider applying this release, hit the download button, take into account all the aforementioned aspects, and update the device’s firmware. Also make sure you constantly check with our website to ensure that you don’t miss a single new release.
It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.
Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.
Device Type: Firmware File Size: 19.2 MB OS Independent
Install DriverDevice Type: Firmware File Size: 18.9 MB OS Independent
Install DriverDevice Type: Firmware File Size: 18.8 MB OS Independent
Install DriverDevice Type: Firmware File Size: 18.5 MB OS Independent
Install DriverDevice Type: Firmware File Size: 19.2 MB OS Independent
Install DriverDevice Type: Firmware File Size: 19.5 MB OS Independent
Install DriverDevice Type: Firmware File Size: 22.9 MB OS Independent
Install DriverDevice Type: Firmware File Size: 19.4 MB OS Independent
Install DriverDevice Type: Firmware File Size: 23.2 MB OS Independent
Install DriverDevice Type: Firmware File Size: 22.9 MB OS Independent
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