  1. Driver
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  3. Intel ir3 2208 ROC Hardware RAID Firmware 23.32.0-0009

Intel ir3 2208 ROC Hardware RAID Firmware 23.32.0-0009 Download

Posted at March 4, 2025 by PCI-DB Team

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Device NameIntel ir3 2208 ROC Hardware RAID Firmware 23.32.0-0009
File Size11.9 MB
Supported OSOS Independent

Intel ir3 2208 ROC Hardware RAID Firmware 23.32.0-0009 Description

Firmware 3.440.05-3712:

- SCGCQ00701810 - (Closed) - Update Gas Guage Safety Status register bit positions
- SCGCQ00712268 - (Closed) - Internal development defect to correct Module version validation logic for Gas Gauge firmware update
- SCGCQ00729591 - (Closed) - Preventing PatrolRead from correcting the same error LBA in loop
- SCGCQ00730691 - (Closed) - The cache policy of Virtual Drives(VDs) do not change to Write-Through(WT) if FAULT is asserted and there is no indication in BQ33100 Safety Status register.
- SCGCQ00713438 - (Closed) - FW doesn't do an Online Firmware Update (OFU) after a successful Gas Gauge firmware update .
- SCGCQ00726689 - (Closed) - Patrol Read operation does not resume after a reboot when using the HII application.
- SCGCQ00735931 - (Closed) - Device Discovery does not complete in the case when Test Unit Read (TUR) command fails for 2 drives.
- SCGCQ00721106 - (Closed) - Foreign Import fail after controller exchange
- SCGCQ00723334 - (Closed) - FW reports a partially incorrect message in the case when 5 SuperCap learns retries fail.
- SCGCQ00735634 - (Resolved) - Drives change to "foreign" state when FW is downgraded from MR 5.11 to MR 5.6/5.7/5.8/5.9
- SCGCQ00694585 - (Closed) - MR controller stops posting with message that controller as base port not responding when you have 238 PD's spun down.
- SCGCQ00703521 - (Closed) - When learn fails to start, FW retries 5 more times before SuperCap is reported bad
- SCGCQ00707882 - (Closed) - Performing reboot immediately after updating the Gas Gauge (before learn completes) results in the FW reporting an update error on every subsequent boot.
- SCGCQ00715168 - (Closed) - Flashing wrong Gas Gauge image (or any bad image) will force VDs to WT(Write Through) and fail and there is no path back to WB other than rebooting
- SCGCQ00726641 - (Closed) - During POST message overlaps with another line.
- SCGCQ00667469 - (Closed) - Firmware crash is seen while trying to import VDs when there is preserved pinned cache.
- SCGCQ00692169 - (Closed) - Code Review fixes for an Enhancement Request
- SCGCQ00730541 - (Closed) - Flashing wrong Gas Gauge FW will succeed if flashed after good Gas Gauge FW is flashed and before the learn starts
- SCGCQ00730700 - (Closed) - Few un-acceptable prints in serial log.
- SCGCQ00679094 - (Closed) - Change SuperCap auto learn cycle period to 27 days and 22 hours.
- SCGCQ00649843 - (Closed) - Issue a complete Gas Gauge reset on every boot
- SCGCQ00676800 - (Closed) - Implemented Gas gauge FW update functionality .
- SCGCQ00679095 - (Implemented) - Reduce the monitoring time of CL (Capacitor Learning) flag in BQ33100 Operation Status register to 5Sec when a learn command is issued.
- SCGCQ00671027 - (Closed) - When supercap learn is pending (overdue) at boot, exposure time in WB mode is seen for up to 1 minute 5 seconds.
- SCGCQ00712210 - (Port_Complete) - Preventing a specific supercap error message being printed in term log
- SCGCQ00725140 - (Port_Complete) - Extend firmware support for the new SuperCap revisions
- SCGCQ00734402 - (Port_Complete) - Few un-acceptable prints in serial log.
- SCGCQ00734409 - (Port_Complete) - Foreign Import fail after controller exchange
- SCGCQ00741846 - (Port_Complete) - Drives change to "foreign" state when FW is downgraded from MR 5.11 to MR 5.6/5.7/5.8/5.9
- SCGCQ00709619 - (Port_Complete) - Machine Check exception occurs during cache offload
- SCGCQ00712170 - (Port_Complete) - Prevent changing unconfigured drives to JBOD in MR
- SCGCQ00733106 - (Port_Complete) - During the AC cycle test via SAS2208 MR card with TMMA, it will halt on cached data was lost error
- SCGCQ00733107 - (Port_Complete) - During the AC cycle test via SAS2208 MR card with TMMA, it will halt on cached data was lost error
- SCGCQ00741723 - (Port_Complete) - Preventing PatrolRead from correcting the same error LBA in loop
- SCGCQ00741771 - (Port_Complete) - Adding a check in firmware to validate incoming configuration structure
- SCGCQ00685816 - (Port_Complete) - Potential data integrity issue after media error correction
- SCGCQ00685958 - (Port_Complete) - SSD causes system to hang at POST
- SCGCQ00688176 - (Port_Not_Required) - Preventing controller reset after running several hours with ASPM(Active State Power Management) enabled
- SCGCQ00688177 - (Port_Complete) - Preventing VD read related cache setting changes when enabling write cache setting from OS
- SCGCQ00725141 - (Port_Complete) - Extend firmware support for the new SuperCap revisions


- SCGCQ00720411 - (Closed) - OpROM 240VD: Not able to boot to OS from the VD whose target ID is greater than 128
- SCGCQ00455591 - (Closed) - Memory access issue for Mercury when loading Ctrl R
- SCGCQ00693494 - (Closed) - setting deviceExposure greater than or eaual to 128 will show wrong VD handled by bios
- SCGCQ00455597 - (Closed) - Memory allocation: Allocate only two 64k
- SCGCQ00736737 - (Port_Complete) - xprintf display issue when FW reports percentage for device scan
- SCGCQ00709995 - (Port_Complete) - OEM wants the battery status text in BIOS to change from "missing" to "N/A" for iMR solutions.

NVDATA 2.1409.03-0137:

- Various changes for different OEMs.

UEFI_Driver 0x06090700 (SIGNED):

- SCGCQ00691044 - (Closed) - Code refactor effort: Hii Image buffer clean-up
- SCGCQ00688789 - (Closed) - DHP: Remove default value from numeric primitive that is present under suppressif
- SCGCQ00732773 - (Closed) - UEFI Driver: If the platform contains UEFI Spec Rev < than 2.3.0, then don't HII
- SCGCQ00756810 - (Closed) - PKG 9 HII form/When you have a a critical message such as missing VDs, after select "C" <ENTER>, it will show an assert
- SCGCQ00726723 - (Closed) - Ext/SCSI PassThru: UEFI Driver not filling direction flag correctly for Read
- SCGCQ00696656 - (Closed) - Update Mbox value for 240VD Support
- SCGCQ00650086 - (Implemented) - UEFI Driver UDK2010 complaince
- SCGCQ00688987 - (Port_Complete) - Don't let user boot to OS until user discards dirty cache
- SCGCQ00726756 - (Port_Complete) - Implement password EFI_IFR_FLAG_CALLBACK bit requirement from UEFI spec 2.4 Errata B
- SCGCQ00693159 - (Port_Complete) - Return health status failed if we have returned device error from Start()
- SCGCQ00726831 - (Port_Complete) - Safe guard: Return health status failed if platform calls GetHealthStatus w/ NULL handle after we return intermediate status
- SCGCQ00736761 - (Port_Complete) - Return health status failed if we have returned device error from Start()
- SCGCQ00756861 - (Port_Complete) - ControllerInfo[CtrlIndex].ControllerHandle got initialized incorrectly or too early
- SCGCQ00695249 - (Port_Complete) - Safe guard: Return health status failed if platform calls GetHealthStatus w/ NULL handle after we return intermediate status
- SCGCQ00716623 - (Port_Complete) - For OEM change memory type from EfiRuntimeServicesData to EfiMemoryMappedIO
- SCGCQ00726520 - (Port_Complete) - For OEM dont free the host memory during disconnect/unload process
- SCGCQ00726727 - (Port_Complete) - Ext/SCSI PassThru: UEFI Driver not filling direction flag correctly for Read
- SCGCQ00726830 - (Port_Complete) - DHP: Remove default value from numeric primitive that is present under suppressif
- SCGCQ00688988 - (Port_Complete) - Don't let user boot to OS until user discards dirty cache
- SCGCQ00716622 - (Port_Complete) - For OEM dont free the host memory during disconnect/unload process
- SCGCQ00725109 - (Port_Complete) - For OEM change memory type from EfiRuntimeServicesData to EfiMemoryMappedIO
- SCGCQ00726828 - (Port_Complete) - Code refactor effort: Hii Image buffer clean-up

Hii v03.10.09.00 (SIGNED):

- SCGCQ00689437 - (Closed) - Schedule consistency check gives an error message on Apply changes
- SCGCQ00692849 - (Closed) - When Controller is in Safe Mode don't remove UCM formset
- SCGCQ00696506 - (Closed) - Grammaical errors in HII warning message during FW Flash.
- SCGCQ00691938 - (Closed) - HII: Return device error when MR_DCMD_CTRL_PROPERTIES_SET fails.
- SCGCQ00700304 - (Closed) - MR_240VD:System fails to boot into SETUP[F2] and displays blank screen with 160 and 240 VDs
- SCGCQ00716628 - (Closed) - To Handle Code collab review Defect for SCGCQ00700199
- SCGCQ00700199 - (Closed) - After selcting Discard pinned Cache from Controller Management, Form will be taken to Cache and Memory after success.
- SCGCQ00702200 - (Closed) - Firmware Update feature fails to update firmware in HII
- SCGCQ00709543 - (Closed) - gHiiDriver.ExtLDSupport should be Filled with appropriate value before it's used
- SCGCQ00702196 - (Closed) - Asserts seen before loading HII
- SCGCQ00704309 - (Closed) - HII: Question value mismatch message seen in Enclosure Management screen.
- SCGCQ00714530 - (Closed) - HII: Firmware Update - On selecting empty folder, hang is seen.
- SCGCQ00731567 - (Closed) - use hwPresent.memory to determine iMR
- SCGCQ00706817 - (Closed) - MR_240VD: Virtual Drive properties[Read/Write/IO Policy] gets changed after VD creation from HII
- SCGCQ00710064 - (Closed) - Handline code collaborator Defect for SCGCQ00709543
- SCGCQ00716636 - (Closed) - Incomplete SAS Address
- SCGCQ00705577 - (Closed) - Unable to select the second enlcosure when multiple enclosures are connected to a controller .
- SCGCQ00723184 - (Closed) - Capacity Allocation in drive group properties is inappropriate
- SCGCQ00730496 - (Closed) - MR: HII gives the option to set -head of queue for raid 0
- SCGCQ00742103 - (Closed) - Remove Head Of Queue rebuild feature
- SCGCQ00704216 - (Closed) - HII hangs on selecting "View Drive Group Properties"
- SCGCQ00734447 - (Closed) - Patrol read prop page gives an error message on Apply changes
- SCGCQ00642228 - (Implemented) - Implement Head of Queue drive rebuild for MegaRAID controllers
- SCGCQ00650085 - (Implemented) - HEFU HII UDK2010 complaince
- SCGCQ00689070 - (Closed) - MR 6.2- Negative test HII browser- Mixing unsupported drives message needs update
- SCGCQ00664753 - (Closed) - Ability to enable/disable JBOD mode in HII & CTRL-R
- SCGCQ00656614 - (Closed) - Add ability to take a VD offline, bring back VD online
- SCGCQ00688454 - (Implemented) - HEFU HII UDK2010 complaince
- SCGCQ00695063 - (Port_Complete) - Call UninstallStoreLib when we call StopControllerHiiImpl function
- SCGCQ00695068 - (Port_Complete) - In HII Create VD option is enabled when resconstruction is in progress (on partial VD)
- SCGCQ00695072 - (Port_Complete) - H730P- Not showing PD to assign as DHS to R50/ R60 VD if PD is of lesser size than largest PD in V
- SCGCQ00695223 - (Port_Complete) - Contents of few help messages are improper
- SCGCQ00728678 - (Port_Complete) - OEM UEFI creating a new VD in a "hole" in the drive group free space, hangs when viewing drive group properties
- SCGCQ00756855 - (Port_Complete) - Chk the err status for HL_Get_PD_List() and HL_Get_PD_Info in UF002_PrepareData() + check Driver handle if index is valid

Other Versions:

- WebBIOS 6.1-71-e_71-Rel
- ROMENV 1.08
- PCLI 05.07.00
- BootBlock
- BootBlockCommon

This download is valid for the product(s) listed below.

- Intel Integrated RAID Module RMS25CB040
- Intel Integrated RAID Module RMS25CB080
- Intel Integrated RAID Module RMS25PB040
- Intel Integrated RAID Module RMS25PB080
- Intel Integrated RAID Module RMT3CB080
- Intel Integrated RAID Module RMT3PB080
- Intel RAID Controller RS25AB080
- Intel RAID Controller RS25DB080
- Intel RAID Controller RS25NB008
- Intel RAID Controller RS25SB008

  It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

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