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  3. Intel 6GB SAS Hardware RAID Firmware Flash Update 12.13.0-0154

Intel 6GB SAS Hardware RAID Firmware Flash Update 12.13.0-0154 Download

Posted at March 4, 2025 by PCI-DB Team

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Device NameIntel 6GB SAS Hardware RAID Firmware Flash Update 12.13.0-0154
CategoryOther Drivers Tools
File Size12.9 MB
Supported OSWindows All

Intel 6GB SAS Hardware RAID Firmware Flash Update 12.13.0-0154 Description


- Invalid target ID after new logical drive creation
- Support for mutlipath topology is broken
- OEM on iMR FW update caused card to FW fault state and card cannot boot to OS
- OEM Rack BMC see clock stretching on I2C bus
- adapterOperations.alarmControl is being set to 1 even if controller does not have alarm on board
- Drive temperature is shown very high on Falcon
- 9260-16i's drive locate/fault LED header doesn't work
- Firmware halts when flashing components other than app.rom for OEM=9
- PL library and files checking for PL version 5.38
- Not able to flash both 9265-8i and 9285-8e card with 5.3 patch 1 firmware. However, it is ok on 9266-8i
- Dont interpret the cachecade BVD flags if the volume is created with old FW which does not support cachecade
- Data Corruption during Raid Level Migration
- MR5.4 - DATA Corruption - offline drive becomes automatically online during Raid Level Migration
- VD is degraded(automatically) after raid level migration R1 TO R5 (adding one drive)
- Firmware enters megamon by system reboot after changing MFC OEM to 6
- Set the Recovery mode page (WriteRetryCount and recoveryTimeLimit)
- Current Access policy is not getting updated for iMR
- Unable to open "Set Patrol Read Properties" in MSM with 2008-iMR
- Data Corruption during Raid Level Migration
- Add support for Ringbuffer and Dq compilation
- disableHII: Needs to be updated from nvdata into MFCD
- 9240-4i on BCM RX67Q-6S motherboard is not getting required memory resources on boot, on Linux it waits 5 minutes, resets the
- multi path with Consistency Check LED behavior problem
- Address Action Item SCGCQ00340495 (Check coding standard for structure OfuRequestState)
- Unable to enable ocr using application due to FW ocr setting taking precedence
- Support for mutlipath topology is broken
- Bad disk being serviced hung Linux boot for 2 hours
- During Reconstruction (R0->R5) when system reboots the reconstruction doesnt resume. System hangs Megamon hit
- Auto Foreign import fails when controller is booted with pinned cache.
- Provide the count of LBAs that are present in the sata bbm table
- Enable or disable 512E using Applications
- Fail the IO in case the medium error recovery is taking more time
- Hii enter black screen/timeout when user switching between fields/form sub_form and during Pd rebuild
- Remove debug message which is not applicable for non Mercury customers
- Change the showSgpio activity to 0
- Need OEM's "showSgpioActivity" setting set back to 0
- Code review: correcting the delivery error
- Change BBU Mode description for Liberator batteries.


- Package: 12.13.0-0154
- Firmware: 2.130.383-2315
- UEFI_Driver: 0x05270000
- BIOS: 3.27.00
- Hii: 01.36.00
- NVDATA: 2.09.03-0045
-WebBIOS: 6.0-51-e_47_Rel
- PCLI: 4.04.20
- Medusa_Expander: SAS2XFW-
- ROMENV: 1.08
- BootBlockCommon:
- BootBlock:

This driver is valid for the products listed below:

- Intel Integrated RAID Module RMS2MH080
- Intel RAID Controller RS2BL040
- Intel RAID Controller RS2BL080
- Intel RAID Controller RS2MB044
- Intel RAID Controller RS2PI008
- Intel RAID Controller RS2SG244
- Intel RAID Controller RS2VB040
- Intel RAID Controller RS2VB080
- Intel RAID Controller RS2WG160
- Intel RAID Controller RT3WB080

  It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

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