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  3. ZyXEL ZYWALL USG 200 Security Gateway Firmware 3.30(AQU.0)C0

ZyXEL ZYWALL USG 200 Security Gateway Firmware 3.30(AQU.0)C0 Download

Posted at March 3, 2025 by PCI-DB Team

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Device NameZyXEL ZYWALL USG 200 Security Gateway Firmware 3.30(AQU.0)C0
File Size55.1 MB
Supported OSOS Independent

ZyXEL ZYWALL USG 200 Security Gateway Firmware 3.30(AQU.0)C0 Description

- IDP 3.0: Improving IDP engine with next-generation Application Intelligence technology.
- Combine core dump to diagnostic info.
- License Reminding days change from 10, 20, 30 to 10, 30, 180 days.
- Adjust the precedence of VPN rule for rule swap friendly. The priority of rule swap: Site-to-site VPN > Dynamic VPN = L2TP. (> means prior to)
- Modify application scenario pictures in VPN quick setup wizard.
- VPN Gateway edit page enhancement.
- Add inote for Static Address & Dynamic Address.
- When select Static Address, Negotiation mode will change to Main mode, when select Dynamic Address, Negotiation mode will change to Aggressive mode.
- Move Negotiation mode to Basic setting from Advance setting.
- SSLVPN SecuExterder supports Windows 8
- Backup system’s startup-config.conf while firmware update from 3.00 to 3.30 in the name of startup-config-(current time).conf, such as startup-config-07290725.conf
- Add CLI support to change service port of external syslog server.
- Add CLI to get higher security when SIP ALG is on.
- Clear "Don't Fragment Bit" of ESP packet when outgoing ESP packet has "Don't Fragment Bit".
- System default setting change, enable IPv4/IPv6 firewall session limit per host and set limit to 1000.
- Customer can’t login successfully anymore.
- USG stop to authorize users to login (both login and SSL VPN)
- User can’t establish L2TP over IPSec VPN to device, when check device, there are many L2TP over IPSec VPN tunnel’s time out are ”0”
- Device will crash and reboot, look like VPN is the root cause.
- L2TP setup auto MSS can’t work.
- Windows auto update session will kept in the HTTP daemon
- BWM cannot detect the DSCP packet.
- ESP traffic can’t pass through VPN tunnel.
- Content Filter BC URL testing can’t query.
- Device will get CPU high with anti-virus decompress.
- DNS traffic will still pass through passive interface even the corresponding active interface is up.
- Enable anti-viurs will CPU high
- After establishing several IPSec VPN tunnels, users can’t log into device or the tunnel which uses xAuth won’t build-up anymore.
- Nail-up doesn’t work.
- In IPSec VPN setting, when select FQDN for peer gateway IP, after reboot, device will spend long time for apply configuration.
- Customer setup L2TP and can establish it, but after device reboot it will failed.
- After changing policy route destination criteria, rule won’t work.
- The user will be logged out after few minutes.
- Dynamic IPSec VPN can’t always build-up successfully.
- SSL RDP will blank after 74 days.
- L2TP can’t connect.
- VPN will drop package.
- Using this firmware will cause CPU high.
- It is sometimes failed to establish L2TP tunnel.
- After upgrade from 2.20 to 3.00, lot of L2TP clients can’t login.
- When downloading the large size mails, the device will hanging.
- Reboots automatically two times per day
- There is no device in the USG LAN network, but the DHCP client list still shown before status even clear those IP by using CLI command, when wait a period time, the IP comes back.
- DNS will query failed.
- PC which is using Intel Centrino Card 2200B/G can’t connect to the wi-fi.
- PPTP connection to ISP will disconnect in few seconds.
- There is no limitation for the username quantity when setup SMTP authentication but at SYSLOG setting, the username name has limitation only for 31 characters when setup SMTP authentication.
- Virus Signature ”MW.MAGNUM.A.GEN”. will destroy attached Files (doc and xls and zip)
- Anti-virus destroy the attachment of the mail.
- Device will hang or crash if changing the SSL VPN address pool the same with vlan interface subnet.
- IDP 8001773 will block downloading
- Two L2TP clients from the same source can’t establish the second tunnel.
- 2 clients behind the same NAT can’t connect to the USG1000 by L2TP.
- The device sometimes will be hang and can’t not access. There is a coredump about ipsec.
- The monitor of users will show wrong IPs.
- NAT loopback is not working on bridge interface.
- Windows 7 32 bit run SecuExtender version 2.5.17, when PC do hibernate, it will hang.
- L2TP client can’t access internet via USG if the WAN is PPTP.
- When enabling bridge interface and create a NAT rule, the NAT loop back function is not work.
- When enabling UTM services (AV, AS, ADP), DUT will drop SMTP SYN packet from Internet to LAN. It caused email cannot arrived to LAN mail server.
- Device crashed and generated a coredump.
- If disconnecting VPN tunnel not correctly, the packet flow won’t delete the old routing.
- The crash issue was caused by DNS query and configuration change at the same time.
- USG-100 VPN Monitor entry is wrong
- SIP traffic from internet will pass firewall rule checking even there is no related NAT rule or firewall rule.
- USG200 -- VPN -- USG2000 -- Radius Server. There are some users will xAuth via Radius server which is behind USG2000. After around 50 users, the USG cannot be logged in anymore.
- SIP function behaves incorrectly.
- The dynamic routing rule will always exist in packet flow table.
- If using custom APN authentication type, USG cannot detect the USG dongle.
- BWM cannot detect ICMP packet.
- When create BWM rules and reboot device, there are error messages in log page.
- The CPU high caused by commtouch library libasapsdk.so.7.3.
- The user will be logged out after few minutes.
- The device hangs while it happens to rekey in the L2TP VPN connection with user connect to device.
- Graphic view of port statistics can’t display.
- If more VPN connections are added and shutdown the device, it takes long time to get USG100-PLUS rebooted.
- The two clients are behind the same NAT router. After establishing L2TP, another user can’t access the WEB GUI of USG via WAN.
- When login as User on USG, get sometimes the message:\”You will be redirected to the login page due idle timeout or network problem.\”
- The customer reported the ticket regarding the memory usage high when numbers of user login to the device over 170.When the symptom happening, the device will hanged. Until you reboot the device.
- After activating the authentication policy few seconds, the users (in the LAN) aren’t directed to the login page.
- The users will see the white page when waiting to the redirect.
- Sometimes user can’t direct to the login page and got the error page when no direct.
- No internet traffic through L2TP tunnel.
- AutoVPN doesn’t delete the old policy rule for dynamic VPN.
- After upgrade the firmware WK11, while establishing VPN tunnel, the Lan1 interface of device will show inactivate via console, and stop DHCP server on Lan1 interface.
- Device boot very slow
- Device get hang due to L2TP tunnel.
- Device will crash using when build the VPN
- DDNS can’t use number for account.
- After upgrade to ZLD 3.0, customer can’t use LDAP for authentication server.
- Changing App ”From” criteria can’t work.
- Customer use XAUTH build VPN tunnel, after few days will fail.
- Device CPU high
- Using for certificate to establish the tunnel, device will crash.
- USG20W not accepting MS Windows 7 ICS DHCP lease.
- Using for PSK and certificate to establish the tunnel will cause the VPN rule swapping.
- Anti Spam service(port 5678) cause the device CPU high.
- Too much time to apply configuration
- The file sharing function can’t work when file server is NAS.(NAS server forbidden anonymous login, and return unexpected error code.)
- Sometimes the DNS daemon will dead.(query will fail)
- The ”Ignore ”Don’t Fragment” setting in IP header” not work.(packets size can’t over 1419)
- Establishing the L2TP tunnel will fail if the customer deletes the ”default” certificate.
- The Auto MSS function can’t work fine.
- After upgrade the firmware to 3.00, the device will reboot.(the configuration will be modified)
- The release time and re-authentication time will caused device crash.( after established the L2TP, and times up. the device will crash)
- The user that authenticates with external server, the user name using for spaces will cause the authentication fail.
- The device will selected wrong VPN gateway when there are many rules.
- Connect with Android 4.X, IOS 5.1 or Windows 7.It will cause Payload Issue.
- If created the Log DDNS name in the DDNS setting, the GUI will showing strange name.
- The NAT-T function will be enabled after reboot the device.(it’s not write to configuration file)
- When establishing the site to site VPN, the device will tried to establishing the tunnel that already be inactivated L2TP rule.
- Service object can’t be deleted successfully.
- If the LDAP server using for the other port(not 389). When the L2TP client establishing the tunnel, the device still using for 389 port to authentication with LDAP server.
- If using for L2TP tunnel as BWM rule, it will unable been saved.
- USG50 build VPN connection to USG2000, VPN connection auto disconnected
- It fixed CPU high by ctipd.bin.
- In the customer’s network environment, the device can’t get the IP from DHCP server.
- System cannot detect unacceptable character in pre-share key string then device reload lastgood.conf after rebooting.
- Customer can’t use QNAP for SSL file sharing server.
- When enabling SIP ALG, the SIP traffic can work fine, but the fax can’t work. When disabling SIP ALG, the SIP can’t work any more, but fax work fine.
- It is not possible to use the ip on the lan1 interface. After the reboot the ip on the interface is

  It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

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