  1. Driver
  2. Firmware
  3. ZyXEL USG100-PLUS Security Gateway Firmware 3.00(AACV.4)C0

ZyXEL USG100-PLUS Security Gateway Firmware 3.00(AACV.4)C0 Download

Posted at March 3, 2025 by PCI-DB Team

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Device NameZyXEL USG100-PLUS Security Gateway Firmware 3.00(AACV.4)C0
File Size58.3 MB
Supported OSOS Independent

ZyXEL USG100-PLUS Security Gateway Firmware 3.00(AACV.4)C0 Description

- Add UDP session time out setting on GUI, Firewall > Session Control page.
- GUI filter in Firewall (need to match “any” rule when choose “Zone”)
- PPTP throughput enhancement
- Allow static route to configure the default route
- The new EPS signature file adds signatures for the following new firewall and anti-virus software support.
- After upgrade to 3.00 FW, "adjust-mss auto" will append automatic.
- After rebooting,Tunnel Interface/Bridge/Virtual Interface IP can not save to
- The user is authenticated via AD server, and the username contains a spaces(eg. Rizhong Cheng). If the user tried to log in SSL VPN, it will be treated as a USG user.
- The Port Statistics Grid View show abnormal graphic
- DDNS-Module shows missing Iface.
- USG 100 App patrol "MSN" use "From" criteria will causing policy inacitve
- Service Object abnormal delete
- USG300 Bug2 l2TP using wrong Port for LDAP authentication
- BWM rule set the outgoing interface to IPSec Tunnel has error.
- Firewall rule doesn't work normally with empty object
- USG-100 3G doesn't disconnect (After fallback to primary WAN, DNS query will still keep on passive WAN)
- USG20. PPPoE is not up.
- Receive mail from webmail site will not show complete subject
- CF URL test failed.
- Probleem met 3.00 firmware
- clients can't use L2TP passthrough to internet after update to 300AQU0ITS-r32927
- [E] USG-200 / L2TP LDAP
- USG-100 IPsec tunnel suddenly cannot be established anymore
- After upload file to device, file_upload-cgi is dead.
- USG 1000 Crash
- [E]USG series not accepting MS Windows ICS DHCP Lease
- USG300: Content Filter will pop out error message. "System internal error. Invalid service"
- L2TP can not build after device reboot.
- USG-1000 / L2TP User Auth will fail after 2 Weeks
- USG-300 / ZySH Daemon Issue, VPN can't build up and DSL disconnect Issue since Patch 4 Weekly
- Pro daemon dead after SSLVPN-Dial-in fail with FQDN
- After using IPSec/SSL VPN for a long time, the throughput drop and finally no more traffic can be encrypted/decrypted.
- USG-1000 / 400 L2TP VPN’s after upgrade to v3.00 cause issue
- Downloading large amount of emails outlook email dump fail
- USG-1000 / 400 L2TP VPN’s after upgrade to v3.00 cause issue
- LAN1 will stop distributing IP once LAN2 is changed to DHCP Relay
- USG1000 - Reboots automatically two times per day.
- L2TP TCP MSS adjustment does not work.
- L2TP Query DNS fail
- Fax-machine using the SIP protocol does not work.
- Usg1000 - L2TP-clients behind NAT
- If the SIP ALG turn on, from [additional branch] to [branch ] or [branch] to [branch], one-side hearing.
- After device root, Sierra 305 cannot be detected.
- When login as User on USG, get sometimes the message: \"You will be redirected to the login page due idle timeout or network problem.\"
- USG-300 / Crash after 30 Minutes and no Login possible.
- Adding a policy route to allow L2TP to access the internet via USG; however, it will be failed. PPPoE is fine, but PPTP will be failed.
- The monitor of users will show wrong Ips.
- PC remove ZyWALL SecuExtender , PC will crash.
- NAT Traversal reactive when reboot
- SMTP name enlarge from 30 -->60 (USG-50 / System Mail Log)
- TCP port 53 default is on (USG-100 / QNAP Virus)
- IPSec VPN nailed-up Fail
- USG 100 - L2TP Authentication
- System won’t redirect http to https if http server is not listen to port 80.
- Changing SSL VPN config will effect Zone setting.
- ZySH / Quick Sec Crash and all Tunnels disconnect
- [E] USG-1000 / IP-SEC Modul
- Geoff - 07990 511 283 - USG300 - VPN Issue
- IPSec VPN adjust MSS does not work.
- USG 300 reboots with coredump
- NAT-T will auto enable, after upgrade from 2.20 to 3.00
- [E] USG-100 Site to Site VPN and deactivate Tunnel Issue
- VPNs Unstable
- [E] USG-1000 / Crash again and Certificate Tunnel can't recover
- VLAN interface command saves at wrong CLI group id.
- Connectivity check fail by using TCP when target is not in same subnet with the interface.
- Dynu dynamic dns service not working.
- ZLD 3.0 / NAT-Traversal setting not saved to config file.
- Interface IP cannot modify anymore after using duplicate IP with SSL VPN IP.
- USG-100 L2TP password error after update to 3.0
- Ping with a large size packet through IPSEC VPN tunnel will fail.
- Duplicate domain zone in named.conf causes device fail to bring up named daemon.
- ITS72194: USG-100 L2TP stress test leads to reboot
- Apply ITS#71640 config of ZLD2.20 causes zyshd dead
- After update 3.00 FW, Pre-Share key caused reboot device apply to default configure.
- [Beta] Apply specific config file to device, it will take 40 minutes to finish it.
- DDNS couldn't auto update per 28 days
- BWM LAN to WAN UDP packet couldn't limit
- L2TP and Auth. by ad-users does not work (BETA FORUM)
- Device registration loss and Anti-X disable.
- HTTP throughput is slow with Commtouch content filter
- [E] USG-300 / L2TP Payload Issue
- [E] USG-20W / L2TP cause Daemon crash
- USG-1000 IPSec VPN Probleme Caritas

  It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

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