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  3. Extron CrossPoint 450 Plus 2424 Matrix Switcher Firmware 2.03

Extron CrossPoint 450 Plus 2424 Matrix Switcher Firmware 2.03 Download

Posted at March 3, 2025 by PCI-DB Team

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Device NameExtron CrossPoint 450 Plus 2424 Matrix Switcher Firmware 2.03
File Size2.4 MB
Supported OSOS Independent

Extron CrossPoint 450 Plus 2424 Matrix Switcher Firmware 2.03 Description


- Corrected a phantom switching condition – When controlling the matrix primarily through remote control and then making breakaway switches (audio only or video only) from the front panel control buttons, the switcher would recall from memory a previously-executed crosspoint tie. This has been corrected.
- Corrected the Command Response Tags in VERBOSE Mode. Command responses for queries as to the switcher’s state now return tags when the IP and RS-232 ports are set to VERBOSE mode 2 or 3 (Response Tags).
Note: If “tagged responses” is enabled, all read commands will return the constant string plus the data, like setting the value does. Verbose mode provides unit responses when commands are issued through another control port or front panel control.
- Corrected the SIS Read Commands for Input Tie(s). SIS read commands “&”, “%”, “#” and “$” now respond with the input number only when the control port set to verbose mode 2 or 3 (tagged responses).
- Corrected the SIS Read Command for Presets. SIS read command for presets did not have tags assigned for Verbose modes 2 and 3. This has been corrected.
- Corrected the SIS Command for Input Sync. SIS read command for Input sync (LS) did not have tags assigned for Verbose modes 2 and 3. This has been corrected.
- Corrected the SIS Command for System Status Request. SIS command for system status request did not have tags assigned for verbose modes 2 and 3. This has been corrected.
- Corrected the SIS Command for Viewing Output Mutes. SIS command for viewing output mutes formerly had a “garbage tag” assigned for verbose modes 2 and 3. This has been corrected.
- Corrected the front panel response when a third party control is active. In prior revisions, the switcher did not respond correctly when changes were made with a third party control system. Commands were executed but the front panel View response was incorrect.
For example: When the switcher was reset (Esc ZXXX) using Telnet, the switcher front panel did not update pending ties and continued to show the previous ties (using the View button) until another input was selected and the tie viewed again. This has been corrected.
- Corrected the Absolute Reset Command “Esc ZQQQ (cr)” and Press and hold the Reset button until the Front Panel I/O buttons blink twice (for 3232 without reset LED) then immediately press and release again (Mode 5 in other models) – In prior firmware revisions, the command to reset the switcher, Esc ZQQQ (absolute), gave the correct response but did not execute the full reset; it only reset the IP related settings. Correct operation of this function has been resolved, Absolute reset clears all ties and presets, resets all audio gains and volumes, RGB delays, Rooms and I/O groups to the default values. It also resets the serial control port back to default conditions (RS-232, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control).
- Corrected the Reset the Whole Switcher Command “Esc ZXXX (cr)” and Press and hold both I/O buttons while applying power to the switcher – In prior firmware revisions, the command to reset the whole switcher, Esc ZXXX does not include resetting the serial port back default conditions. It only clears all ties and presets, resets all gains and volumes to the default values. Correct operation of this function has been resolved, including the resetting of the serial control port back to default conditions (RS-232, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control).

New features:

1. Advanced front panel control (Executive Mode command update). A functional change has been made regarding user access to certain advanced set-up and control features that are available from the front panel. The advanced features can be enabled or view only (default). When enabled, advanced features can be accessed and adjusted through front panel control. When view only (default), advanced features can be accessed but cannot be adjusted through front panel control.
Basic Features: (always available)
- Backlight on/off (hold inputs 1 and 2 buttons for 2 seconds to toggle)
- Audio Input gain/attenuation (hold Audio button down for 3 seconds)
- Making Ties
- Recalling and Saving Presets (press Preset button to recall or hold for 2 seconds to save)
- Executive Mode Command Changes (hold I/O or Enter+ I/O buttons for 2 seconds)

Advanced Features: (can be enabled or view only):
- RGB Delay (hold Video/RGBHV button for 3 seconds)
- I/O grouping (hold input 1 and output 1 buttons for 3 seconds)
- RS-232/422 port settings (hold all Control buttons for 3 seconds)
- Audio output volume control (hold Audio button down for 3 seconds) Select an output
- Output Muting (In View mode, hold an output button 3 seconds to toggle)

Current modes of FPC operation:
- FPC operation = press and hold both the VIDEO and AUDIO I/O buttons for 2 seconds to toggle
mode between modes. The I/O buttons will flash two times to indicate the state change.
- 0X = All FPC functions available (Version 2.01 Default Condition)
- 1X = Only view mode available – no changes can be made
- Any attempt to control switcher flashes I/O buttons two times.

New mode of FPC operation in version 2.03:
- 2X = All basic FPC functions are available - Advanced Features are View only, no setting allowed (Mode 2X is the new version 2.03 Default Condition)
- FPC selection: Press and hold the VIDEO and AUDIO I/O buttons for 2 seconds to toggle between modes 2X and
- 1X. (Compatible with the current control method). The I/O buttons will flash two times. Press and hold I/O buttons VIDEO, AUDIO and the ENTER button for 2 seconds to toggle between 2X and 0X. The I/O and Enter buttons will flash two times.
When Executive mode is set (1X) VIDEO, AUDIO will flash two times when a front panel function other than View is performed.

2. Webpage new features:
- Under Control / Set and View Ties page, erasing tie(s) is now possible.
- Under Control / Global Presets page, when a preset is saved or renamed, the preset number box turns BLUE for reference.
- SIS “LS” command update for the CrossPoint 450 Plus models
- The “0LS” command allows the user to verify active sources by polling all inputs for valid sync signals. The unit will respond with a string of numbers, “0” if no signal is present and a “1” if there is a sync signal present at the input.

Installation steps:

1. Download the firmware file.
2. Run the .exe file. This opens the Firmware Update program, creating a product named folder within which is placed the firmware file (x.S19).
3. Access the device internal web pages.
4. Select the Configuration tab.
5. On the Configuration page, click Firmware Upgrade on the left sidebar menu.
6. Click Browse. A Choose File window opens.
7. Navigate to the folder (created in 1g) where the firmware upgrade file is saved and select the file.
- Valid firmware files must have the file extension “.S19”. Any other file extension is not a firmware upgrade.
- The original factory-installed firmware is permanently available on the scaler. If the attempted firmware upload fails for any reason, the scaler automatically reverts to the factory-installed firmware.
8. Click Open .
9. Click Upload . While the firmware is uploading, the Upload button changes to “Uploading...” . When the uploading process is complete, the button changes back to Upload. The uploading may take a few minutes.

About Matrix Switcher Firmware:

Applying a newer firmware version than the one already installed on your unit can bring various enhancements, include workarounds for diverse problems encountered by the device, and improve or add newly developed features.

On the other hand, downgrading the firmware version can recover the device’s functionality in the event of a software update either turning up faulty or causing the unit’s overall performance to drop. However, bear in mind that applying an older firmware isn’t recommended and might not always be possible.

When it comes to the update steps, due to the large variety of devices and numerous ways for installing a new firmware, it is recommended that you carefully read and understand the upgrade steps, and consider applying a different firmware only when you have familiarized yourself with the update method.

As the installation process is most of the times quite risky, this step should be taken by users that have the ability to successfully complete the update; regular users may initiate it at their own risk. Moreover, it’s best that this task be performed in a steady power environment such as the one ensured by a UPS unit.

Therefore, if you consider applying this release, hit the download button, take into account all the aforementioned aspects, and update the device’s firmware. Also make sure you constantly check with our website to ensure that you don’t miss a single new release. 

  It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

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