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  2. Voip Voice Over Ip
  3. Broadsoft Snom320 IP Phone Firmware 7.1.33

Broadsoft Snom320 IP Phone Firmware 7.1.33 Download

Posted at March 2, 2025 by PCI-DB Team

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Device NameBroadsoft Snom320 IP Phone Firmware 7.1.33
CategoryVoip Voice Over Ip
File Size2.7 MB
Supported OSOS Independent

Broadsoft Snom320 IP Phone Firmware 7.1.33 Description


- support blind transfer using buttons (using the Buttons programmable key type, single step blind transfer is possible now by just hitting transfer and the appropriate button with action type invite)
- dual audio and handsfree support on conference (snom370) (+Spkr to add a secondary audio device during conference is available now)
- use status LED for conference and transfer operation (snom370) (the big LED on top of display shows activity in the said states now)
- PUBLISH based directory search now supports list of matches (consistent with LDAP directory search results, PUBLISH returned lists are also shown)
- support DND control through buttons (a DND operation through Buttons programmable key type turns indication on/off on display)
- call acceptance is dependent on speaker receive call (this new configuration parameter controls if pressing the speaker key can accept a ringing call or not)
- new configuration parameter global missed counter to track missed calls (this new configuration parameter is to allow backward compatibility to old behavior when missed calls on all SIP lines were counted together)
- enabled directory search during a call (to help make a second call e.g. for transfer even during a call)
- Call Pickup through buttons linked to calls state (snom360/snom370) (in the Calls window, pickup is now possible as in dialog state through information gathered from Buttons programmable key type feature)
- remove ringing calls from list of possible transferees (to make transfer operation more user friendly and avoid unintended transfers by mistake)
- use soft transfer key only for deflection of ringing call (to have a consistent transfer mechanism, soft key appears only for deflection now)
- showing display name in call monitoring state controlled by configuration parameter show name dialog (snom360/snom370) (in call monitoring state it is useful to show names if possible instead of numbers of the calls in progress. The new configuration parameter controls this feature. The naming format is the same as set by display method configuration parameter)
- added new configuration parameter naptr sip uri to convert SIP URI's of the active line using RE Dial Plan for call lists (it's meant to rewrite incoming SIP URI's to be properly formatted for potentially following outgoing calls using that URI from the call lists. Default value is off.)
- programmable key Active/Line combination receives a ringing call only on original key (to allow making a new call on another programmable key even if there is an incoming call on the first line)
- option for backlight to completely turn off, blink or dim (snom370) (some users want to turn off the backlight completely after a call is done. All combinations are now possible on snom370)
- display of audio icons solely dependent on configuration parameter audio device indicator
- new configuration parameter auto reboot on setting change to enable new auto reboot feature but preserve old behaviour if needed; IMPORTANT: this configuration parameter takes effect on the configuration parameters following it in the setting file only, so if you like to have it effect all configuration parameters in the configuration parameter file, put it at the top of the file! If you experience a constanly rebooting phone set the log level to 7 and see (via syslog server) which configuration parameter causes the loop. (the auto reboot functionality has been included initially into 7.1.33 RC2)
- show HTTP/Admin password warning on display (snom360/snom370)
- context- sensitive function keys for Mute/Unmute are not hidden when configuration parameter redundant fkeys is off
- LDAP/Directory Search list dials selected contact on handset offhook
- F_LOGON_USER can be used on all phones for Hot Desking (log on/log off user accounts)
- F_LOGOFF_ALL prompts log on wizard if logon wizard configuration parameter is on
- Disabled 5 sec. lock on Shared Line key for Broadsoft/MetaSwitch as this is handled by line seize throttling mechanism
- added protection against brute force attack to find out the HTTP password (more than three unsuccessful login attempts will block the Web User Interface (WUI) for 1 minute; further groups of three unsuccessful logins will double the blocking time respectively) 
- show warning message if Web User Interface (WUI) isn't secured by admin- and HTTP user password (show a warning hint at the upper right hand corner)
- html encode Web User Interface (WUI) pages to prevent XSS attacks (this prevents injected (java-)script code to be executed)
- new configuration parameter use hidden tags to protect the phone against XSRF attacks (because with each new Web User Interface (WUI) page a new hidden security tag is provided only the authenticated user is able to use the Web User Interface (WUI). Faked HTTP POST requests will not work anymore. With use hidden tags enabled you can do a distinct subset of GET requests with parameters only which are needed for the normal usage of the Web User Interface (WUI) (no direct dialing, no remote control is available if enabled. The mentioned functionality only works if the Web User Interface (WUI) is secured via non default admin- and HTTP passwords!)
- added button to logout an already authenticated session (a missing opportunity has been added to logoff an authenticated user from the Web User Interface (WUI) page; this button will be displayed in the upper right hand corner only if the Web User Interface (WUI) is secured via non default admin- and HTTP passwords!)
- added initial security advice Web User Interface (WUI) page (a new security advice Web User Interface (WUI) page has been added which will be shown once initially on restart)
- new warning message and security advice page can be switched off via new configuration parameter ignore security warning (this has been added for backward compatibility reasons)
- identity based configuration parameter user expiry can be adjusted in seconds now (via Web User Interface (WUI) you can change the value to your needs without using the previous dropdown presets anymore)
- added new function key type BLF which is a mix of the Extension and Speed Dial. (The LED is controlled by the dialog state like in the Extension mode, while the key is controlled by the Speed Dial nature. In other words, no matter what the LED is doing, pushing that button will always dial the speed dial number. If you set it to something like *7123, then this button will always pick up the call for 123.) See this description for further details on BLF
- removed audio device indicator configuration parameter from Advanced Behaviour page, it is available at page Advanced Audio anyway
- using new encoding format in XML configuration parameter files, denoted by an additional attribute in the tree name (e="2") (from now on a proper HTML encoding is used; downgrading to older versions will make special chars appear wrongly!)
- show secret configuration parameter values only as asterisks in log
- show url loading update for redial list (if the list is taking longer than usual, some display update for loading activity shows the phone is processing the list)
- added pn flag for input, to switch directly to the numeric input mode
- fixed soft key update problem
- rework of SnomIPPhoneText, better line breaking and <br /> tag support (it is recommended to use <br /> now instead of <br>, because the softkeys are not working with <br>)
- added new {index} parameter for SoftKeyItem (The index parameter is the linenumber in a Minibrowser list. e.g. HTTP://{index})
- allow Minibrowser Action URL called from any Phone User Interface (PUI) state
- History-Info display is controlled by new configuration parameter show history info (this information is processed by the phone but shown on the display if configuration parameter is turned on)
- when SRTP is optional, offer both RTP/AVP without crypto and RTP/SAVP with crypto attribute (this is a way to indicate that SRTP is preferred, but not mandatory; controlled by new configuration parameter user savp)
- added new option sip_info_only for configuration parameter user dtmf info, either as mutually exclusive with ib or oob dtmf or together with either of them (dtmf via INFO can be sent in addition to in/ob dtmf now, IMPORTANT: THE DEFAULT BEHAVIOUR HAS CHANGED!)
- call completion subscription default expiry value is set down to 60 sec from before 3600 sec
- hold/retrieve was not working in some scenarios
- TLS ROC fix (after a couple of minutes one way audio occured)
- 200 OK without SDP is ok when SDP was received in earlier message
- added new language Catalan
- reviewed Phone User Interface (PUI) text translations (especially the translations for FR, IT, NL, DK, SW, NO, SP have been improved)
- added DST for Perth/Australia
- DST changes for Australia
- DST changes for New Zealand
- added different room types (new configuration parameter handsfree mode) for handsfree mode: quiet, normal, echoic (different DSP coefficient presets for different room types have been added to enhance hands free audio quality in different environments)
- start storing empty responses in DNS cache after basic Mass Deployment is done (not working DNS lookups because of blocked switch ports are not configuration parameter non resolvable FQHN anymore on the black list)
- gracefully restart if DHCP server isn't reachable anymore (according to the RFC we added a new timer T2 which will restart the phone if it has been elapsed to 7/8; thus the phone will begin broadcasting again for a new DHCP server)
- added completely turning off of light gradually apart from dim (snom370) (Some people complained that the snom370 light does not completely turn off when the light configuration parameter use backlight: is set to on on Preferences Web User Interface (WUI) page. Now, it slowly fades and turns off competely with the on configuration parameter (default). The previous behaviour has also been preserved where the light fades slowly and remains dimly lit without completely turning off. That configuration parameter option is now called dim.)
- Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) packets are now forwarded from the LAN to the PC ethernet port (Manageable switches supporting STP can now detect network loops.)


- make park/pickup key available as soon as possible after operation (the park key was blocked for 3-5 seconds before. Now it is released and ready for any further pickup operation as soon as a successful parking is done)
- on check-sync phone isn't hanging anymore in wizard state (the phone seemed to hang after a check-sync even though some keys were still working)
- apply configuration parameters on check-sync (provisioned configuration parameters triggered by a check-sync were not properly applied before) 
- check-sync is delayed until all channels are released (instead of making a reboot as soon as check-sync is processed, the phone will now wait until all active channels/calls are released and a harmless reboot can be made)
- tuned list element allocation to save memory (list elements were allocated in chunks of 16 before, now it has been tuned for each single list element type respectively which reduces the size of initially allocated memory remarkably)
- fixed adding new languages on check-sync (reading in a language list triggered by check-sync has caused a memory leak)
- improved call control in registrations menu (incoming calls and media even in Reg menu is handled properly now)
- append diversion/history-info for incoming call when animation is disabled (snom360) (this additional information was missing on display before)
- fixed problem with remote unhold when local side is also holding (the phone was in an indeterministic state when the remote side made an unhold, now it should go to hold because of near side hold before)
- adjust input when lead digits are appended in rewrite matches for XML Dial Plan (length of final match was being shortened after appending the lead digits before)
- fixed speed dial 30 (prevent the phone to identify a dialed 030 as the speed dial 30)
- fixed speed dial 9 (prevent the phone to identify a dialed 09 as the speed dial 9)
- About menu is accessible during log-on wizard (to allow easy access to basic telephone information e.g. IP, Mac adr)
- fixed password stutter (snom300/snom320) (editing a password was cutting the last typed digit/character)
- added 128k memory bin for efficient memory allocation (this memory bin size was missing before so the next bigger bin was used instead which caused unnecessary memory allocation) 
- ringing calls were not shown in hold state (snom320/snom370) (since phone allows incoming calls in hold state, this information should be there for the user to decide to pickup or ignore the new call)
- normalized placement of context- sensitive function keys across the various call states (to have an internally consistent presentation of context- sensitive function keys so the user does not press a soft key by mistake)
- each dialed number replaces the same entry in the list instead of creating a new one (not only the last dialed record is updated but the complete dialed list is scanned and the previous entry for the same number is updated and put on top)
- resubscribe for buddy list without search filter after directory search (in order to refresh the original buddy list if search responses were delayed for some reason. The complete buddy list becomes available again after directory search through presence is over)
- [[Settings/action_connected_url|Action URL connected]] is requested at right state transition without effecting blind xfer (to keep the phone from posting an unintentional Action URL for connected)
- clear allocated lines on failed pickup attempts (so the phone does not run out of keys and associated LED’s do not stay on)
- changed Deny All soft key caption to Block (on text display of context- sensitive function keys on (snom360), both ‘Deny’ & ‘Deny All’ appeared as ‘Deny’ because of a lack of space on display. This caused confusion)
- fixed scroll down on call monitoring state (scrolling down with navi key was not updating the list properly)
- speed key on About menu was corrupting display
- CANCEL key would clear desktop message completely (on small display phones, messages created via SIP MESSAGE with header Content-Type: text/plain were not properly cleared on pressing cancel)
- dtmf after Action URL response was blocking audio
- soft key cancel in calling state was not working
- reboot the phone if configuration parameters got provisioned which need a reboot to get applied (like e.g. vlan, dhcp etc.)
- Park was not working with Broadsoft-style shared lines
- Minibrowser style received/missed call lists entry deletion was crashing the phone
- fixed dtmf playback with CMC and Minibrowser (media path was being blocked before disabling dtmf)
- set transport protocol to RTP/SAVP when SRTP is on (this is required by RFC 4568, but for backward compatibility this behavior is turned off by default; controlled by new configuration parameter user savp)
- fixed wrong port number in contact/via header when transport is tcp/tls (the phone was sending the wrong port number in these headers when the transport protocol was TCP or TLS)
- remote tag omitted when privacy is enabled (the tag provided by the remote side was omitted when privacy was turned on; this caused calls to fail)
- fixed encoding of display name for special/reserved characters controlled by new configuration parameter encode_display_name (according to the RFC those characters have to be HTML encoded)
- fixed timezone selection for China
- phone switches to/from DST in time now (phone was switching to/from DST at the right date but not at the right time)
- handsfree double talk improvement (we have enhanced double talk so that a person talking on the handsfree mic does not cut out the other side and is still heard by the other side without producing echo (option echoic). The old speaker phone behaviour is still available by using the room type quiet room, instead of echoic room)
- fixed RTCP jitter buffer calculation (fixed problem in the calculation of jitter buffer stat only at the beginning of a call)
- fixed an RTCP problem with packet loss field (fixed problem with packet loss field in the very first RTCP packet sent out by the phone in certain scenarios only, it was showing some packets lost when none had)

Installation Instructions:

- Right-click on the appropriate link for your device and choose Copy shortcut:
Open the Web User Interface and navigate to the Software Update page
Paste the link into the Firmware field
(Web User Interface -> Software Update -> Firmware)
- Press Load
The Device reboots and starts the software update.
Note: Do not disconnect the power at any time during this process!
- Check your firmware version afterwards

About VoIP Phone Firmware:

Firmware updates for VoIP Phones are very important as they usually contain many bug fixes, add new features and updates, as well as add additional security features.

One of the main problems users come across when attempting to upgrade their VoIP Phone is that their device may be locked to a certain Carrier. Adding an unlocked version of the firmware may cause the device to stop working on certain networks. This operation may void your carrier warranty and, as such, is not recommended.

Before downloading, make sure that you have selected the appropriate firmware for your device and that the update supports the VoIP service provider you use.

Generally, it is important to upgrade older firmware in sequence (v1 to v2 to v3) and so on, because many manufacturers don’t launch standalone update packages.

Although using beta release firmware packages is tempting, it can prove to be quite risky as well. If you choose to try beta release updates, please read the detailed firmware notes and make sure that you have the possibility to revert to an older and more stable version in case the beta turns out faulty.

If you feel that this update can improve the functionality of your VoIP Phone, please use the download button and follow the installation instructions.   

  It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

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