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  2. Router Switch Access Point
  3. Ubiquiti UAP-AC Access Point Firmware

Ubiquiti UAP-AC Access Point Firmware Download

Posted at March 15, 2025 by PCI-DB Team

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Device NameUbiquiti UAP-AC Access Point Firmware
CategoryRouter Switch Access Point
File Size7.6 MB
Supported OSOS Independent

Ubiquiti UAP-AC Access Point Firmware Description

New Features:

- Add AirView for UAP-SHD.
- Add AirTime for UAP-SHD.
- Add Switch Port Profiles.
- Add RADIUS-based authorization in Hotspot.
- Add new type of map with predictive coverage.
- Add Ubiquiti store (buy devices directly from the controller).
- Add EDU SIP settings.
- Add Facebook Wi-Fi Authentication (Beta).
- Add DPI blocking per categories.
- Add LLDP-MED configuration.
- Allow configure 8 SSIDs per radio (on supported devices).
- Add Insights / Controller Logs page.
- Add USG Performance Graphs.
- Add temperatures to USG-Pro properties window.
- Add LAN traffic statistics for client in Property Panel.
- Add Debug Dashboard to Statistics section.
- Batch add and remove device tags.
- Add permissions options when inviting a site admin (device adoption, etc.).
- Add Outdoor / Indoor Switch.
- Add NTP server fields.
- Add batch device provision.
- Add DB migration page and show upgrade progress.
- Add date header to email notifications.
- Install and run service as `unifi` user instead of as root on Debian/Ubuntu.
- Add Logging settings.
- Add batch edit switches.
- Add UPnP service (moved from config.properties).
- Add Multicast DNS Service (moved from config.properties).

Controller bugfixes/changes from 5.

- Improve Switch Port Profiles.
- Display PSU info for L2 switches.
- Add MSS Clamp features (set default MSS to 1452).
- Allow to configure Outbound Proxy and Auth User in SIP Service.
- Require country field for all non-free payment methods in Guest Portal.
- Show last uplink in Details / Overview for USW and UAP.
- Fix problems with randomly missing devices.
- Fix batch edit devices.
- Fix chart animations on Dashboard.
- Fix for wrong data in VLAN column in WLAN List.
- Fix 'All Configured Clients' link to point Known Clients.
- Fix Facebook WiFi tooltip that was not possible to hide after opening it.
- Fix displaying spinner when loading Insights page.
- Improve performance of rendering lists and graphs.
- Change auto VPN VTI subnet mask to /30.
- Fix fetching devices on Neighboring APs page to be sure that alias is always resolved correctly.
- Allow to copy configuration of PL2 models.
- Improve loading devices.
- Add packet rate and fix broadcast MAC address in AirTime.
- Don't require voice VLAN in Port Profile.
- Add DHCP hostfile in USG Settings.
- Dashboard chart update animations look bad when switching panels Bug high-priority.
- Add toggle for multicast enhancements.
- Fix showing traffic stats.
- Allow opening debug terminal in Opera and Chromium.
- Add pagination for RADIUS users list.
- Fix sorting by fixed IP address on Insights/Known Clients page.
- Extend warning message for MAC ACL.
- Add missing translations.
- Hide antenna gain for external antenna in US.
- Fix enter key in Move Device frame.
- Fix uplink header for AP.
- Improve WebRTC connection.
- Fix date range selector after switching from empty site on Statistics/Performance page.
- Add outbound proxy and auth user fields to SIP configuration.
- Display STUN Communication Error for AP-IW.
- Fix DHCP time offset.
- Add enable/disable multicast enhancement option to WLAN configuration.
- Hide SIP user password is for read-only admins.
- Disable Guest Portal redirect URL field for UniFi Elite/Cloud.
- Fix an issue preventing switch ports from coming up after being disabled.
- Fix a bug with IW causing the port to be disabled when the VLAN is off (reported HERE).
- Fix a backend bug with guest access.
- Improvements to Facebook WiFi backend.
- Refactor topology manager.
- Improvements to SIP config.
- DPI related fixes.
- Allow user to set default SSH device password in Wizard.
- Display board revision in Property Panel.
- Display fixed IP only for clients with enabled fixed IP option.
- Add sorting to Admin table.
- Add VAP BSSID filter to devices page.
- Allow network to change purpose between corporate and guest.
- Change default DHCP mode to DHCP Server.
- Show advanced DHCP options only for DHCP Server mode.
- Fix cloning destination ports form forward ports in Port Forwarding settings.
- Do not validate WAN VLAN if VLAN is not enabled.
- Disable AirTime tool when no SSID is configured.
- Disable RF Scan tool for AP with wireless uplink.
- Fix opening Property Panel after reloading a page.
- Fix messages that USG is required.
- Enable VPN client pull DNS by default.
- Add missing Outdoor section for UAP-IW, UAP-AC-IW, and UAP-AC-IW-PRO.
- Add support for MS-CHAPv2 to Hotspot RADIUS.
- Improve Facebook WiFi redirection settings.
- Don't show the "not using configured channel" icon when the radio is disabled.
- Extend "Use Secure Portal" tooltip message to display info about OS X Captive Network Assistant limitation.
- Improve validation of admin name in Invite Admin form.
- Fix number of active clients in clients filter on Clients page.
- MAC address input validation improvements.
- Do not allow for duplicates in firewall's groups.
- Fix empty select boxes.
- Fix select boxes in FireFox.
- Rename "Automatically upgrade firmware" label to "Automatically AP Firmware Upgrade".
- Renamed "Logging" to "Notifications" Settings.
- Improvements for Ethernet bonding support on UAPs (on supported devices).
- Database migration improvements.
- Various backend improvements.
- Add several translations to the UI and the hotspot, and update existing translations.
- Security improvements.

The changes from 5.5.20>5.6.16 list will be updated later today, as this isn't a complete representation of the differences between the two branches.

Firmware changes from 3.8.9/4.3.49:

- [UAPG3] Major code base upgrade (codename Toronto). ua
- [UAPG3] AirTime and AirView support (SHD exclusive).
- [UAPG3] Switch to net-snmp, in preparation for SNMPv2 support (eventually v3 too).
- [ACG1] Fix WEP on 1st gen AC models.
- [EDU] Various fixes and improvements for the baresip client.
- [ACIW] Fix management VLAN support.
- [UAP] Add 802.11r support (excluding UAP-AC v1/v2 and UAP-AC-Outdoor).
- [UAP] Various MeshV3 improvements.
- [UAP] Add support for multiple WLAN schedule blocks per day.
- [UAP] Prepare management VLAN support for other UAP devices.
- [UAP] Improvements to RF scanning.
- [UAP] Improve reliability of receiving Framed-IP-Address attribute.
- [UAP] Disable multicast enhancements by default.
- [UAP] Various backend bugfixes and improvements.
- [USW] Fix a bug with the packet counter.
- [USL2] Update PSU features.
- [USW] Logging improvements.
- [USW] Upgrade code base to ES1.7.1.
- Improve 10G Base-T compatibility.
- Enhance Auto speed detect on SFP/SFP+ ports.
- [USW] Fix a bug with RADIUS VLAN provisioning.
- [USG] Implemented route metric changing on load-balance status changes. This fixes WAN failover issues with L3 adopted USGs, and improves multi-WAN failover functionality in general.
- [USG] Fixed multi-WAN regressions in 4.3.46-4.3.49 picked up from EdgeRouter 1.9.7.
- [USG] Implemented new local web UI on USG. Fixes a variety of long-standing bugs with the old UI, and adds ability to configure LAN IP and DHCP server.
- [USG] Updated ISC dhcp version. Looks to fix problems in some edge cases with multiple DHCP WANs and recovery after Ethernet link loss.
- [USG] Added back end for custom host-uniq for PPPoE.
- [USG] Fixes for some uses of multiple routing tables (nothing controller-provisioned does anything impacted by this, a small number use config.gateway.json VPN configurations which do)


- As always, make a backup prior to upgrading.
- Windows users must have x64 Java installed as we only support 64-bit WebRTC library. Please see HERE and download the missing version (64bit offline Windows install package).
- You cannot re-use a VLAN ID for dynamic VLAN if it is set as a static value for another SSID on the same AP. So, if I have a SSID set to use VLAN 10, I cannot use VLAN ID 10 for RADIUS controlled VLAN users as those users will not get an IP.
- Smart Queue QoS is similar to the implementation as in EdgeOS (see HERE). Please note that DPI will not work when using QoS, as traffic will not be offloaded. It's also worth noting that maximum throughput will be affected when using QoS, as traffic is not offloaded. There are some rough guidelines in the article linked above.
- DFS channels can not be used for wireless uplink in the US. Please use non-DFS channels if you need to use wireless uplink on dual band UAPs.
- Official UniFi MIBs can be downloaded from HERE and HERE (those are 2 different files).
- We no longer support Java version 6, it needs to be 7 or later. We recommend Java version 8.
- Features like airtime fairness, bandsteering, load balancing and minimum RSSI are default disabled. If you need them you need to go to Settings>Site and check Enable advanced features.
- If you previously used Google Maps for a site map, then you have to enable this feature again by adding an API key. This is done under Settings>Controller. There is a linked guide with instructions.

Important Notes:

- The initial database migration will take longer than normal. It is expected to see mongo using most, if not all, of the available CPU cycles during this process. Please be patient, this process could easily take 15+ minutes, depending on the amount of historical stats, as well as the system specs. As always, err on the side of caution, and make a backup before upgrading.
- The controller will not start if it is set to bind to a privileged port (<1024), as it now runs as a non-root user. There are various ways you can fix this immediately, like authbind, although there may be better ways. We're considering options here.
- If your controller is running on a UniFi Cloud Key (UCK), make sure it is on firmware 0.6.4 or later, otherwise the controller will not start. This firmware is available via the normal upgrade mechanism found in the controller or it's local management page. Make sure to make a backup before upgrading the UCK firmware, as you'll need it to restore after, and it's good to have a backup on hand before any controller upgrade.

Known Issues:

- Manual site-to-site VPN status is not reflected on the UniFi dashboard widget. Currently it will look like it's offline, even when the tunnel is up.
- AirTime will not work if a radio is disabled and/or there isn't any SSID present. This will be fixed in a future release. If you enable it, and it still isn't working, then you may need to force a refresh without cache.
- If you start both a 2.4GHz and 5GHz scan in quick succession, then it will fail.
- It is expected that AirView will stop occasionally. A stop/start sequence should restore functionality.
- If you start an AirTime scan while AirView is running, then AirView will stop and you'll need to perform a stop/start sequence to get it working again. This will be fixed in the future.

About Access Point Firmware:

If you update the Access Point (AP) firmware, your device can benefit from changes that fix multiple issues encountered by wireless clients, correct different user interface problems, add various functionalities, and include support for newly developed protocols.

Before performing this task, we recommend that you read and understand all the installation steps, because there are many AP models and manufacturers available. Each producer strives to make the procedure as simple as possible, but there are cases when it's anything but that.

It is also advisable that you apply a new access point firmware in a steady power environment (UPS unit will satisfy this need), using an Ethernet cable rather than a wireless connection. The latter can be easily interrupted.

With this in mind, if you wish to apply this version, click the download button and install the package on your access point. Remember to check back with our website as often as possible so that you don't miss a single new release.

  It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

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