  1. Driver
  2. Router Switch Access Point
  3. NETGEAR WAC510 Access Point Firmware

NETGEAR WAC510 Access Point Firmware Download

Posted at March 2, 2025 by PCI-DB Team

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Device NameNETGEAR WAC510 Access Point Firmware
CategoryRouter Switch Access Point
File Size27.5 MB
Supported OSOS Independent

NETGEAR WAC510 Access Point Firmware Description

Bug Fixes:

- Wireless clients will experience disconnections when AP configured with static 40MHz / 20MHz channel width in 5GHz radio.

Known Issues:

- Connected wireless clients may not be displayed on the Monitoring and Dashboard pages when associated to an SSID containing some special characters.
- Workaround: SSID name should not use the characters / and “
- APPLY, CANCEL, Captive portal PREVIEW button will be greyed out intermittently while doing any configuration across different configuration pages
- Workaround: The user need to refresh the browser or do select/deselect or Edit any other parameters.
- When saving the logs in IE11 Browser, the log file opens within the browser window instead of asking to save the logs to a file.
- Workaround: Press CTRL + S to save logs to a file and click browser “Back” button to go back to the AP’s log page.
- HTTPS captive portal redirection doesn’t work for clients using Mozilla Firefox
- Workaround: Clients must use Chrome, IE11, Edge, or Safari browser.
- Intermittently IP address details for the associated Wireless clients are not displayed under the Monitoring -> Wireless Client page.
- Workaround: To allow the IP address of the clients to be displayed, ping the Access Point’s IP address from the client, or log into the AP’s Web UI from the client. The AP will then learn and display the client in the monitoring -> Wireless client page.
- The AP’s Web GUI does not display some visual aspects properly on mobile devices (phones, tablets).
- Bandsteering and MAC ACL’s cannot be used simultaneously on the SSID.
- Workaround: Disable Bandsteering followed by AP reboot for MAC ACL’s to work properly.
- The Management->Packet Capture feature requires the “Capture Beacons” set to enable, when specifying “radio1” or “radio2” as the Capture Interface.
- Workaround: Enable the “Capture beacons” option and start the packet capture to capture wireless packets properly.
- WDS link establishment has issues only in 2.4GHz radio with 40MHz channel width.
- Workaround: WDS link works well with 2.4GHz radio with 20MHz channels width. Recommend to have WDS link in 5GHz radio which gives high throughput then 2.4GHz radio.

Operational Notes:

- After upgrading the Firmware through the AP Web GUI, you must clear the browser cache before accessing AP GUI again which has new GUI improvements.
- Backup configuration done on FW version below V1.2.0.12 FW will not be restored on FW version V1.2.0.12 and above versions only in IE11 browser.
- By factory default, the AP will act as a DHCP client to obtain its IP address.
- If the AP cannot get its IP address through DHCP, The AP’s default IP address is set to .
- A wireless client can connect to an AP which is in Factory Default by connecting to the default SSID printed on the product label on the bottom of the AP. The SSID is “NETGEARXXXXXX-SETUP” where XXXXXX = Last 6 digit of MAC address. The default SSID password is “sharedsecret”.
- The Factory Default SSID and passphrase MUST be changed to avoid any security risk as default SSID and Password is printed on the product label on the bottom of the AP.
- The WAC510 has two modes of operation: AP mode and Router mode. In Router mode the AP will acts as a DHCP server, provide NAT and other basic Router/gateway functions. In AP mode, the Access Point operates in Layer 2 bridge mode.
- The AP can be returned to factory default using the reset button on the side of the AP bottom cover by pressing and holding the button for ~10 secs (Power LED will change from Green to blinking Amber).
- SNMP / Telnet is disabled by default.
- Changing the WDS configuration will reboot the AP automatically after applying settings.
- The Web GUI session timeout is 45 minutes
- In the following scenarios, the AP is expected to reboot automatically for the configuration to take effect:
Firmware upgrade
Reset factory defaults
Restore configuration
Country change in Day Zero and Day One configuration Wizard

To Install:

- Download the new software and save it to a convenient folder location.
- Login to the access point web management GUI.
- Take backup of the current configuration and save it at a secure place.
- Select Maintenance > Upgrade > Firmware Upgrade.
- Click Browse and browse to the location of the software upgrade file that you just downloaded.
- Click Apply. The upgrade process typically takes at least 8 minutes.
- Warning: When uploading software to the Wireless Access Point, it is important not to interrupt the Web browser by closing the window, clicking a link, or loading a new page. If the browser is interrupted, the upload might fail, corrupt the software, and render the access point completely inoperable.
- When the upload is completed, your wireless access point automatically restarts.
- If you decide to use the AP as standalone, log into the AP and disable Cloud management.
- If you decide to use the AP in cloud management, factory reset the AP and add the AP to BCWM portal.

About Access Point Firmware:

If you update the Access Point (AP) firmware, your device can benefit from changes that fix multiple issues encountered by wireless clients, correct different user interface problems, add various functionalities, and include support for newly developed protocols.

Before performing this task, we recommend that you read and understand all the installation steps, because there are many AP models and manufacturers available. Each producer strives to make the procedure as simple as possible, but there are cases when it’s anything but that.

It is also advisable that you apply a new access point firmware in a steady power environment (UPS unit will satisfy this need), using an Ethernet cable rather than a wireless connection. The latter can be easily interrupted.

With this in mind, if you wish to apply this version, click the download button and install the package on your access point. Remember to check back with our website as often as possible so that you don’t miss a single new release. 

  It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.

Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.

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